Welcome to SowCo Develops. We exist to serve our clients by providing comprehensive solutions that streamline and optimize their back-office processes, enabling them to focus on what matters most: driving their organization forward.

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Administration ~ Organization ~ Infrastructure

At SowCo Develops, we specialize in administrative services tailored to meet the diverse needs of corporations, nonprofits, and individuals. Our offerings encompass a wide range of solutions, including technical management services, application development, multimedia production along with artist management services, and office administrative support. By optimizing back-office operations, we empower our clients to focus wholeheartedly on business growth and success.

Enterprise Corporation

Records Management Systems

Small Business

Technical Management Services


Temporary Administrative Services

Budding Artist

Management & Multi-media Production

Programming code

About Us

Our company is built upon and adheres steadfastly to our core values. Among these are a commitment to quality, user-friendliness, and variety in our products, as well as integrity, wise counsel, transparency, efficient time management, and effective communication in our day-to-day operations.

We were founded in beautiful Denver, Colorado in 2006, and our team’s expertise spans over two decades, offering seamless, turnkey solutions paired with excellent and rapid customer service. We are:

  • Proficient in aligning systems with business strategies and user needs
  • Skilled in translating business requirements into actionable documentation
  • Recognized for our problem-solving prowess and ability to deliver quality results

Our passion lies in serving others, and this company has been founded on that very principle — offering our strengths for the betterment of our friends, family, and community.

Metal decal
Metal decal

The products and services that we showcase have harmoniously become part of SowCo Develops through organic growth. They've emerged as individuals within our local network have sought us out, recognizing our expertise and our ability to deliver exceptional results. This ensures that what we offer reflects our strengths; if we lack proficiency in a particular area, it won't be included in our offerings, as we prioritize quality and excellence. Each addition to SowCo Develops' portfolio has stemmed naturally from addressing the needs of our community. In essence, we don't chase after the latest trends or rush products to market for profit. Instead, our offerings are rooted in where we excel and what has evolved within our company as a response to fulfilling our community's needs, prompting us to formalize our services accordingly.

Our passion lies in serving others, and this company has been founded on that very principle — offering our strengths for the betterment of our friends, family, and community. It's about harnessing our capabilities to serve our community more effectively, consolidating our strengths to provide assistance and convenience to the client by showcasing our portfolio of work in one accessible location.

Metal decal

We have targeted complementary offerings to the diversified groups of enterprise business, small ventures, nonprofits, and artists. First, we offer contract services for enterprise corporations. Clients are particularly in sectors where data management is critical, such as healthcare, finance, aviation, manufacturing, and various levels of government. Second, we provide technical management and application development tailored to small businesses and startups, aimed at establishing robust infrastructures. Third, our temporary services concentrate on optimizing nonprofit administrative departments by enhancing the efficiency of everyday office tasks through the strategic utilization and integration of existing technology. Fourth, our multimedia division encompasses studios for film, social media, print, and music production, alongside services for artist publication, promotion, management, and distribution.

We are a family owned and operated company with a dedicated workforce. Despite our modest size, we achieve significant outcomes by prioritizing efficient infrastructure and leveraging the advantages of being a virtual company. This approach minimizes overhead costs, allowing us to conserve time and resources while fostering a flexible work environment that promotes productivity.

SowCo Develops’ greatest strength is the efficiency and usability of our systems integrated with world-class customer service and rapid turn around times, so we want to protect this asset.  To do this, we:

  • Create turn-key applications and adherence to standard operating procedure and efficient organization in order to support multiple users with minimal employees and resources required, thereby reducing operating costs which translate to decreased cost to the customer.
  • Provide applications and systems that are not “sticky”.  For example, for our proprietary software, this means that we furnish comprehensive reporting where customers retain ownership of and may easily extract their data for whatever purpose they need.  This includes keeping their data even after they no longer use SowCo Develops service.  For our administrative temp services and corporate contracts, we create systems that are seamlessly transitioned to and operated by the client with no support from us required unless desired.
  • Regarding our software, develop clean, clear, easily maneuverable code, tables, and files in order to move through and make updates to systems quickly without confusion in order to minimize programming errors and resultant application or deliverable bugs.
  • Document metadata.
  • Develop standard operating procedure regulating coding, inclusive of regular code audits for ensuring clean, optimal performance and routine review of table and file structure in order to facilitate rapid turn-around for bug fixes and enhancements.
  • Develop standard operating procedure of internal company processes.
  • Cross-train employees on jobs for backup purposes.

Simply stated, administrative systems are SowCo Develops’ business and expertise.  We love what we do, and we welcome the opportunity to serve you.

“Trade money for time, not time for money.

You’re going to run out of time first.”

Naval Ravikant


Let us help with the administration so you can focus on the business

SowCo Develops

Records Management Systems for Enterprise Corporations

  • Relational database design, setup, and management
  • Relational database querying
  • Database performance tuning and troubleshooting
  • Analysis and management of complex data sets and reporting
  • Data integrity checking and reporting
  • Technical writing including documentation of training manuals, metadata, and standard operating procedure
SowCo Develops

Small Business Technical Infrastructure Services

Implementation and management of:

  • Human resource systems
  • Internal and external customer-facing communication platforms
  • Project management systems
  • File management systems
  • Authentication management systems
  • Small-scale application and web site development
  • Developer platforms
  • Standard operating procedure
  • Automation
  • Technical documentation
  • Technical legalities, regulations, and compliance
  • A variety of technical tasks such as server administration, company email, domain registration, a DNS, a CDN, and object storage and retrieval
SowCo Develops

Nonprofit Administration Services

  • Everyday administrative tasks (i.e., what the employee normally does on a day-to-day basis)
  • Optimized and streamlined administrative systems inclusive of affordable and current technology
  • Remote office implementation (where applicable)
  • Record digitization
  • Documentation of processes and standard operation procedure in a central company knowledge base
  • Employee training of new systems
  • Consulting and backup support after SowCo Develops work is done and has been transitioned to the employee
SowCo Develops

Budding Artist Services and Management

  • Recording, mixing, and mastering
  • Publishing
  • Distribution
  • Promotion
  • Web site development
  • Social media profile development
  • Accounting and royalties management
  • Tour scheduling and management
  • Promotional material development

FAQ: Your target customers are so diverse. Why is this?

Our diversity in our customer base is our strength. By providing services to both large enterprise-level corporations and smaller entities such as small businesses, nonprofits, and individuals, we perpetuate our learning curve in the technology realm. This enables us to offer innovations and insights gleaned from enterprise-level operations to smaller markets. Serving both ends of the spectrum ensures a continuous refinement of our existing skills and a perpetual learning process in emerging technologies, given the dynamic and rapid evolution of the platforms through which we deliver our services.



Enterprise Corporation

We serve in information systems departments at enterprise-level corporations, offering solutions for relational database design, setup, and management, data analysis and reporting, standard operating procedure development, and technical writing.  These clients seek individual contractors for relational database querying and design for management of complex data sets and reporting.  Typically, we service clients for short-term contracts ranging from three to five years.  These clients require new and upgraded database applications, database performance tuning and troubleshooting, data integrity checking and reporting, and related technical writing including documentation of training manuals, metadata and standard operating procedures.  Our enterprise clients own their records management systems, and the records management systems are not proprietary to SowCo Develops.


Small Business and Startup

These clients benefit from the knowledge and experience that SowCo Develops has gained both from our work with our enterprise clients and the setup of our own infrastructure and administrative operations. These clients are technically-savvy companies and require infrastructure organization for their operations. This may include but is not limited to implementation and management of human resource systems, internal and external customer-facing communication platforms, project management systems, file management systems, authentication management systems, small-scale application and web site development, developer platforms, standard operating procedure, automation, technical documentation, technical legalities, regulations, and compliance, and a variety of technical tasks such as server administration, company email, domain registration, a DNS, a CDN, and object storage and retrieval.



These clients are nonprofit organizations in need of modern-day technology to minimize office administrative tasks so that they may be done in less time to save money and reduce overhead. For these clients, SowCo Develops provides temporary administrative services alongside focused implementation of current technology for back-end office tasks. Our term with these organizations typically will be five years and is inclusive of administrative services, active development and implementation of technology, transition to permanent employees, and backup support. These clients require new and upgraded office systems in order to do business affordably and efficiently in accordance with the latest technological advancements on the market today. SowCo Develops work includes implementing automated processes and a remote-enabled workplace where applicable such as putting cloud technologies in place to do work that may be accessed and executed from any location. During SowCo Develops time with the client, in order to actively analyze existing systems, we temporarily fulfill their everyday, necessary administrative tasks. The outcomes of our service are installed systems that parallel the organization’s goals, digitized records, development and implementation of technology and software that meet the client’s unique demand, and documentation of processes and standard operating procedure accessible in a central company knowledge base. When our work of streamlining and optimization is complete, we carry out the training of and transition to the nonprofit’s permanent administrative staff for the roles that we temporarily fulfilled. Also, if desired, we are available on a consulting basis after we have transitioned our work to the permanent employee in order to help with questions that arise or provide additional assistance and backup.


Budding Artist

SowCo Develops serves budding artists who desire mentorship in the music, film, and print industries and who would benefit from modest recording, mixing, and mastering of their work followed by (1) pushing their work to market via desired media such as social media, print, the Internet, CDs, and vinyl, (2) promotion of their work through trusted SowCo Develops sources, and (3) development and management of the administration that comes with pushing the artist’s work to market such as web sites, social media profiles, accounting and royalties, tour schedules, and promotional material.

“The rich invest in time,

the poor invest in money.”

Warren Buffet


Innovation portrayed

Enterprise Corporation Contracts

Market rate:

Typically ranging  from

$50-$80 per hour


$50k-$160k per year


  • Relational database design, setup, and management
  • Relational database querying
  • Database performance tuning and troubleshooting
  • Analysis and management of complex data sets and reporting
  • Data integrity checking and reporting
  • Technical writing including documentation of training manuals, metadata and standard operating procedure

Small Business Technical Management


  • Mutually agreed upon retainer fee
  • Largely determined by customer according to organization needs and budget


  • Human resource systems
  • Internal and external customer-facing communication platforms
  • Project management systems
  • File management systems
  • Authentication management systems
  • Small-scale application and web site development
  • Developer platforms
  • Standard operating procedure
  • Automation
  • Technical documentation
  • Technical legalities, regulations, and compliance
  • Variety of technical tasks such as server administration, company email, domain registration, a DNS, a CDN, and object storage and retrieval

Nonprofit Administrative Services


  • Mutually agreed upon retainer fee
  • Largely determined by customer according to organization needs, budget and nonprofit industry
  • If hourly compensation, hours charged by SowCo Develops are capped for customer peace of mind


  • Everyday administrative tasks (i.e., what your employee normally does on a day-to-day basis)
  • Optimized and streamlined administrative systems inclusive of affordable and current technology
  • Remote office implementation (where applicable)
  • Record digitization
  • Documentation of processes and standard operating procedure in a central company knowledge base
  • Employee training of new systems
  • Consulting and backup support after SowCo Develops work is done and has been transitioned to the employee

Budding Artist Services & Management

Commission Based

  • 15% of the artist’s gross income
  • Artist responsible for all expenses associated with product creation such as promotion fees, CD/vinyl pressing, materials, and software subscriptions


  • Recording, mixing, and mastering
  • Publishing
  • Distribution
  • Promotion
  • Web site development
  • Social media profile development
  • Accounting and royalties management
  • Tour scheduling and management
  • Promotional material development

FAQ: I am a small business in need of records management systems development.  What if your consulting cost does not fit my budget?

Contact us to discuss possible options.  Depending on the complexity of your system, we may be able to work out a monthly retainer fee that you can afford.

FAQ visual

Frequently Asked Questions About SowCo Develops

Why are your offerings so eclectically varied?

First, note that, when our services are reckoned collectively, the overarching skill-set and harmoniously unifying characteristics involve administration, organization, and infrastructure. Hence, contrary to possible appearance at first conjecture, they are beautifully united. Second, we provide services to our clients that align with our strengths, resulting in the diverse range of offerings we present. Our ability to serve in unique ways shapes the variety we offer. New services are added in response to client needs and opportunities that naturally arise, shaping our offerings organically. We focus solely on areas where we excel, leaving other aspects to experts in those fields. Our desire is to serve and to serve strong.

Metal decal
Metal decal

Your target customers are diverse.  Why is this?

Our diversity in our customer base is our strength. By providing services to both large enterprise-level corporations and smaller entities such as small businesses, nonprofits, and individuals, we perpetuate our learning curve in the technology realm. This enables us to offer innovations and insights gleaned from enterprise-level operations to smaller markets. Serving both ends of the spectrum ensures a continuous refinement of our existing skills and a perpetual learning process in emerging technologies, given the dynamic and rapid evolution of the platforms through which we deliver our services.

I have been following SowCo Develops for some time now, and I don’t recall seeing your Budding Artist offering until recently. Is this a new service?

Yes, in 2023 we expanded our administrative service offering leveraging the multimedia strengths of two of our principal members, father and son, Shane and Scott Sowers. Shane is a published author and musician and established social media creator, and he has been in the industry since the dawn of the 1990s. Scott is an editorialist and has a passion for creating quality cinematic experiences on a shoe-string budget. Putting the budding artist arm of SowCo Develops in place alongside the company’s existing world-class management and administrative services presents a robust core for the budding artist and yields yet another diversified offering of SowCo Develops that is complementary to all of the company’s service lines. This new division of the company capitalizes on and lays hold of low-hanging fruit and matches it with services that the company provides, further diversifying SowCo Develops’ portfolio. Expeditiously, the budding artist line and multimedia branch of the company features studios for film, social-media, print, and music production, and artist publication, promotion, management, and distribution services.

What if your cookie cutter product doesn’t meet my need exactly, but it almost does? May it be modified to fit my needs?

Yes, we customize according to the needs of our clients. We can mix and match any of our services providing we can offer you a solution that matches our strengths and benefits you so that the outcome is mutually beneficial.

Metal decal
Metal decal

I am a small business in need of records management systems development.  What if your consulting cost does not fit my budget?

Contact us to discuss possible options.  Depending on the complexity of your system, we may be able to work out a monthly retainer fee that you can afford.

Need customized services?  Seeking something that isn’t in your system?  Do you have other questions not answered here?

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Why Administrative Services?

Requirements visual

Let SowCo Develops help with the administration so that you can focus on driving your business forward.

In today's fast-paced, tech-driven culture, the demand for accessible, efficient, and cost-effective administrative systems is paramount. Institutions face stringent reporting requirements and require optimized backend operations to achieve their goals. Our mission at SowCo Develops is to alleviate the burden of administration, allowing our clients to focus on their core products and objectives.

We specialize in crafting tailored administrative infrastructures that empower our clients to thrive. By leveraging technology, we streamline administrative tasks, saving time and resources. Our comprehensive approach includes:

  • Identifying and analyzing all necessary administrative systems
  • Designing and implementing bespoke solutions
  • Documenting processes to create a centralized knowledge base
  • Providing ongoing support through training and on-call assistance

The outcomes of our work are sustainable infrastructures that promote operational success, ensuring both internal efficiency and compliance with data privacy regulations.

Benefits of our administrative services are:

  • Elimination of redundant work
  • Increase of productivity and accountability in the organization
  • Reduction of operating costs
  • Transparency
  • Compliance with client company policy
  • Scalable operations
  • Readiness to adopt new technology that uniquely profits the organization
  • Minimization of litigation risks
  • Vital information is well secured and protected
  • Administrative information is governed ably and helps in corporate decision-making

In summary, SowCo Develops is committed to providing comprehensive administrative and technical solutions that drive success for our clients, empowering them to succeed in today's dynamic business landscape.


We would be happy to advise you personally


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3190 S Vaughn Wy

Ste 550 - #9215

Aurora, CO 80014

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